Experience an inspiring journey on Author to Authority, a weekly show hosted by Kim Thompson-Pinder featuring special guest Ram Nayyar from Fearlessness Consulting Inc. Ram is the author of 'The Sport of Life', available on Amazon, and shares his wisdom from his Olympic coaching experience. On the show, Ram and Kim discuss overcoming fears and recognizing the power of creativity. Ram reminds us of the importance of examining our fears and being fearless. Kim supports inspiring creativity, whilst Coach Ram reinforces the need to practice it to help us grow. Tune in each Tuesday to catch From the Vault episodes full of empowerment and motivation. Don't forget to like, rate and review -- we look forward to hearing from you!
If you love the podcast, don't forget to check out Kim's book Author to Authority Volume 1. In it, she gives you a step by step guide on how to implement Authority Marketing in your business and gain the visibility you need to become the go-to person in your niche.
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